I wonder if you can even begin to consider that one aspect of the godless person's perspective is that anyone who needs an authority outside of their own mind to tell them what is right or wrong may not consistently act of their own accord. The godless person simply believes anyone who needs an authority outside of their own mind to tell them what is right or wrong chooses to shirk personal responsibility for his/her own decisions and that is their choice. There is not judgment or condemnation in this belief, only observable behavior. Some people appear to equate "godless" with "evil" or at least bad, as if "godless man" should not be trusted. A person is not evil or bad for choosing to believe that whether there is or is not a god, he or she simply does not need it. There is certainly nothing evil or bad in choosing to be free from a book of rules that are often more confusing and have caused more death and suffereing than any book in history. For those who wish to judge, if judgments of good and evil is based on real things, not merely on words but on what people do, we can easily see that there are many more people who have done evil or bad things to others in the name of god than there are people who do evil or bad things to others in the name of no god. That does not make god or a belief in god evil or bad. It can suggest that a belief in god leads many to do evil or bad deeds. But do those choosing to not believe in a god condemn those who do? Do those who do not believe in god demand those who do believe in god change their opinion or belief? Look at what people do when you want to judge. Look at where hostility or cruelty comes from. Look at yourself and how you feel when you think of a godless person. How do you really feel? Is it your feeling or did god give the feeling to you? Do you really know?